Story Telling Day

In Infants and Nursery we had a Story Telling Day where stories came to life using music, drama, puppets, shadows, theatre and much more. Each teacher had a special story to tell. It was a wonderful day.


Last night, Batxillerat 2 students and their parents spent the evening at their graduation...

Revista del Departament de Ciències

El Departament de Ciències de l'escola ens convida a fullejar la seva revista, que recull...

Infants Open Day

We welcomed families to visit for Infants Open Day. Thank you for coming!


Dans la joie et la bonne humeur, voilà nos apprenants prêts à passer leur examen DELF B2....

Primary 2 school trip to l'Escala

Primary 2 went on a lovely school trip to l'Escala where they visited ‘Museu de l'Anxova'...

Secondary 4 from Basque country

Secondary four are on their way back from an exciting week, kayaking, surfing and enjoying...

Batxillerat 1 last exams

Molts ànims, alumnes!  Batxillerat 1 es troba en plena setmana d'exàmens de la 3a avaluaci...

Primary 1 Swimming Open Day

We would like to thank the Primary 1 parents who came to our Swimming Open Day! It was a g...

DELF A2 et B1

Le jour J est enfin arrivé pour nos apprenants francophones. Ils se sont présentés aujourd...

PAU 2024

We would like to congratulate our Batxillerat 2 students for their hard work during the th...

Infants School Camp

Infants enjoying Mas Llop!  Infants School Camp 2023-2024

Winners of the 'CientifiksEnJoc' competition

We are delighted to announce that Primary 5 are the winners of the "CientifiksEnJoc” compe...

Finalistes al concurs de vídeos científics "Experimenta 2024"

Dos dels vídeos científics presentats per l'alumnat de Secondary 2 han estat finalistes al...

La magia de los libros

Los alumnos de Primary 2 han compartido la magia de los libros realizando una expresión or...

Finalista d'honor a 'AMICFiccions'

La Júlia de Secondary 4 ha estat finalista d'honor al concurs de relat breu en català "AMI...

Architectural exploration project

Congratulations to the Batxillerat 2 students for their amazing work on the Architectural...

10th Save the Children Race

The 10th Save the Children Race was held, and  this time, the money raised will go towards...

Girona in Bloom

Secondary 1 visit to see ‘Girona in Bloom’ while walking a literary route connected to the...

Mossos talk for parents

Thank you very much, Mossos d'Esquadra, for this interesting talk for parents and teachers...

First aid talk

Secondary 1 benefited from a useful talk on first aid given by Núria de Castro, a practisi...

Classificada a l'Olimpíada d'Economia

Felicitem a l'Íngrid de 2n de Batxillerat per haver-se classificat en 3a posició a la fase...

Alumni SGS experiences

Batxillerat 1 pupils and teachers had the pleasure of welcoming 4 ex-pupils who expertly p...

Grans resultats a les Cangur de Matemàtiques

Celebrem el Dia Internacional de la Dona Matemàtica i Dia Escolar de les Matemàtiques feli...

Batxillerat 1 experiences for Secondary 4

Batxillerat 1 students shared their own experiences of their first year in higher educatio...

Els millors equips de robòtica gironins

El Diari de Girona destaca la 1a posició assolida a la categoria júnior i a la sènior per...

1st place Robocat Girona

A big congratulations to all of the SGS robotics students for their great success. Seconda...

Joves i Ciència

L'Aitana de Secondary 4 ha estat seleccionada per participar al projecte "Explorant i apli...

Story Telling Day

In Infants and Nursery we had a Story Telling Day where stories came to life using music,...


How to give your books a new lease of life: Choose a book/s you no longer read. ⁠Stick...

Club de Teatre

L’alumnat del Club de teatre ha representat, davant els nens i nenes de Primary, l’obra “D...

Saint George's Day

"Unleash the power within you and you will conquer every dragon in your path!” - Saint Geo...

Jocs Florals per Sant Jordi

Després de fer unes activitats artístiques, l'alumnat de Secondary i Batxillerat celebrà l...

Primary Chess Club

Chess is a strategic game that enhances critical thinking, decision-making, and analytical...

Fem Matemàtiques

Our Secondary pupils competed in the provincial phase of the maths competitions, "Fem Mate...

Avaluacions Generalitat

Dies d'avaluacions per part del Consell Superior d'Avaluació del Sistema Educatiu de la Ge...

Primary Yoga Club

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that promotes physical, mental, and emotional well-bein...


Notre grande journée festive de la Francophonie a été une grande expérience pour tous, nos...

Fira Ciència en Equip

Els grups de Secondary 1, 2, 3 & 4 del nostre Science Club i el de Reptes Científics a 1r...

Batxillerat 1 careers' orientation talk

The Batxillerat 1 students experienced an interesting careers' orientation talk. After com...

Unorthodox, Secondary 4 podcast project

The Secondary 4 pupils launched their podcast project. The hosts, Martina and Daniel, welc...

Happy Easter!

Taller de Pasqua a Infantil: Mones de xocolata. Happy Easter!

Olimpiada Científica Juvenil Española

Seis alumnos de Secondary 3 participan en la fase autonómica de la V OCJE, la Olimpiada Ci...

Museu d'Art de Girona

Primary 1 and 2 enjoyed an Art filled day in Girona. They got to sketch some of the remark...

Economics Olympics

Yesterday, at the business and economic science faculty of UdG Batxillerat 2 student Íngri...

1, 2, 3 Llegim!

Estrenem un nou projecte d'animació lectora a Primary 2: 1, 2, 3 Llegim! El primer llibre...

Technological project at Mas Llop

The students of Secondary 1 and 2 are currently at Mas Llop doing a technological project....

Cangur mathematics competition

Primary 5&6 and Secondary 3&4 pupils faced some challenging maths problems in this year's...

International Day of Happiness

Today at school, a double celebration - the first day of spring and the International Day...

Secondary 3 Treball de Síntesi

Secondary 3 enjoying their stay at Mas Llop working on the  entrepreneurial Treball de Sín...


Alumnes de Secondary 4 han participat al Physicat, el concurs de problemes de física per a...

Olimpiada de Lengua castellana

Meiqi, Lourdes, Íngrid y Unai de segundo de Bachillerato han participado hoy en la I Olimp...

Olympic Games day

Primary celebrated their Sport Olympic Games day, remembering the spirit of the Olympics. ...

Saló de l'Ensenyament

Batxillerat 1 students went to Saló de l'Ensenyament. An interesting day to help them make...

Certamen Nacional de Lectura en Veu Alta

Avui el nostre alumnat ens ha representat al Certamen Nacional Infantil i Juvenil de Lectu...

Aiguamolls de l'Empordà

Primary 6 enjoyed an amazing day learning about the fauna, flora and history of the specta...

Palau de la Música

Secondary 2 pupils thoroughly enjoyed a concert in Palau de la Música Catalana called "Mer...

Parc Neolític de Banyoles

Primary 4 have had a fabulous trip to the Parc Neolític de Banyoles where they have learnt...

Radio Saint George's

L'alumnat de 6è grava anuncis radiofònics en el nou estudi de Radio Saint George's.

Tour de Mates

A lo largo de las últimas semanas, el alumnado de Secondary ha disfrutado del Tour de Mate...

Catalan Parliament

A special day at the Catalan Parliament, where Secondary 4 had the chance to meet Anna Err...

Creative thinking skills in Robotics

Primary 3 students using their creative thinking skills to work on the metamorphosis of a...

Secondary 3 gaudeix del Modernisme català

Els alumnes de Secondary 3 han fet una sortida cultural al Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau...

Wheelchair basketball with MIFAS

Bat 1 students have enjoyed the experience of wheelchair basketball, thanks to Carles from...

Mathematics competition "Problemes a l'Esprint"

Secondary 1 & 2 students took part in the on-line mathematics competition "Problemes a l'E...

Concurs Cultural i Esportiu - Consell Esportiu del Gironès

Moltes felicitats, Olívia (1a classificada categoria benjamí), Èric i Maia (classificats e...

Saint Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day from Nursery & Infants!

World Radio Day

Countdown to Radio Saint George's.

Representants de Primary per al Certamen de Lectura en Veu Alta

Ja tenim els representants de Primary per al Certamen de Lectura en Veu Alta d'aquesta edi...

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Dreams, education and professions have no gender. At Saint George's we celebrate the Inter...

Nursery and Infants Carnival

Nursery & Infants enjoying the Carnival.

Primary Carnival

Our primary students have enjoyed a fantastic Carnival day. They delighted us with a caval...

World Read Aloud Day

To celebrate the World Read Aloud Day, Primary 1 and Primary 6 came together to share book...

Cantología de la poesía española

El alumnado de primero de Bachillerato ha asistido a la Cantología de la poesía española,...

Débutent la semaine de Carnaval

Les élèves de primaire débutent la semaine de Carnaval par un joli voyage vers la France e...

Olimpíada de Biologia de Catalunya

Aquest matí, a la Facultat de Ciències de la Universitat de Girona, tres alumnes que curse...

School Day of Non-violence and Peace

In Secondary 3, we all got together to celebrate the School Day of Non-violence and Peace...

Aquatic sports

Not only do we work on improving all our swimming strokes but we also enjoy water volley,...

Conferencia inspiradora de la Fundación Princesa de Girona

Mohamed El Amrani ha ofrecido una inspiradora conferencia a nuestros alumnos de Secondary...

Musical education

Musical education in schools promotes children to develop their musical sensitivity, stimu...

Copa Cangur

This afternoon, Secondary students have participated in the Copa Cangur maths competition...

Batxillerat al teatre

Com cada any els alumnes de 2n de batxillerat han assistit a la representació teatral adap...

Mathematics competition

Students from Primary 5 & 6 took part in the on-line mathematics competition "Problemes a...

Orientació universitària

Avui, emmarcat en la nostra acció d'orientació universitària, els i les estudiants de 2n d...

Debate about sports and gender

Secondary 2 have attended a talk about sports and gender, led by Olga Padreras, a represen...

Red Cross toy collection Campaign

Thank you very much, families! As every year the pupils of the school have taken part in t...

SGS Chess Club

Our lunchtime clubs have started! Here we have Primary 1 and 2 enjoying their Chess Club.

4 alumnes excel·lents a les PAU guardonats per la Generalitat

Moltes felicitats, Pere, Maria, Júlia i Helga! Els nostres exalumnes, ja universitaris, ha...

Bat 1 cultural activities

Today was a great day for Bat 1 students. -The Science & Technology students went to UdG "...

Concurs Infantil i Juvenil de Pintura Ràpida del GEIEG

Sis alumnes de l'escola han sigut premiats a la 49a edició de Concurs Infantil i Juvenil d...

Science Day

Today is St. Albert the Great's day, a good day to remember the importance of Science Educ...

Primary 6 trip to La Pedrera

Primary 6 enjoyed the incredible architecture of Gaudí with a fascinating trip to La Pedre...

Dia de la Ciència a les escoles

Els i les alumnes de Secondary 3 han celebrat la Setmana de la Ciència participant en dire...

Bat 2 Treballs de Recerca

Today, the Bat 2 pupils finished presenting their research projects. Congratulations every...

Fires de Girona

Primary 5 have had an amazing day learning about the legends in Girona and visiting the fu...

Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa

L'alumnat de Primary 1&2 han visitat la Garrotxa. Tot gaudint del passeig amb carruatge pe...

SGS Robotics Club

The SGS lunch time Robotics Club is in full swing. Students from different classes can get...

Halloween and la Castanyada celebration

Today, our school have celebrated two very special traditions, Halloween and la Castanyada...

Robotics during wizards project - Primary 4

As part of our "Wizards & Witches Around The World" project, Primary 4 built some forgetfu...

Jornades TIC i Educació UdG

Participem a les VII Jornades TIC i Educació de la Universitat de Girona amb una comunicac...

European Researchers' Night

Many thanks to Dr. Margarita Lopez (Departament d'Empresa UdG) and Dr. Marc Garcia (Instit...

Welcome back to school!

Saint George's School is expanding

Saint George's School is expanding with the purchase of the old "Fornells Parc Hotel". We'...