Bat 1 students doing Physical Education around the school. A privileged environment surrounded by nature, where the students improve their cardiovascular endurance by running cross country for 5 kilometers.
Tots a taula!
Els alumnes de Primary 1, dins el projecte “Tots a taula!”, han visitat la cuina de l’esco...
Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Dreams, education and professions have no gender.
At Saint George's we celebrate the Inter...
Bat 1 Physical Education around the school
Bat 1 students doing Physical Education around the school. A privileged environment surrou...
Santa Claus visit
Santa Claus made a surprise visit to Nursery and Infants, spreading joy and handing out gi...
Estudi a Batxillerat
Ambient d'estudi a la biblioteca de Batxillerat, on els estudiants de 1r i 2n preparen els...
Primary 3 amazing day
Primary 3 had an amazing day exploring the world of police work and diving into the librar...
10a posició al concurs de matemàtiques 'Problemes a l'Esprint'
L'equip de Secondary 3 i 4 que ha participat al concurs de matemàtiques "Problemes a l'Esp...
Batxillerat "Treballs de Recerca"
Congratulations to all the Batxillerat 2 pupils, who presented the "Treballs de Recerca" t...
Science Day in Secondary
Secondary 4 pupils prepared amazing workshops designed to teach students from Secondary 1,...
Primary 1 informative meeting on the importance of spelling
A heartfelt thank you to the Primary 1 families who joined us for our informative meeting...
En solidaritat amb el Poble Valencià
Ja ha sortit l'ajuda del Saint George's School cap a Benetússer (València), poble molt afe...
Congratulations to our artists
We'd like to congratulate the SIX winners from Saint George's School at the 50a edició del...
Formación universitaria en 2º de Bachillerato
En 2º de bachillerato la delegada de la Universidad de Navarra Isabel Béjar ha impartido u...
Congratulations and good luck with university!
Before we close the school year, we would like to congratulate this year's 34 students who...
Congratulations to the Cambridge English candidates
Congratulations to the Cambridge English candidates for achieving excellent results at Fir...
Last night, Batxillerat 2 students and their parents spent the evening at their graduation...
Revista del Departament de Ciències
El Departament de Ciències de l'escola ens convida a fullejar la seva revista, que recull...
Infants Open Day
We welcomed families to visit for Infants Open Day. Thank you for coming!
Dans la joie et la bonne humeur, voilà nos apprenants prêts à passer leur examen DELF B2....
Primary 2 school trip to l'Escala
Primary 2 went on a lovely school trip to l'Escala where they visited ‘Museu de l'Anxova'...
Secondary 4 from Basque country
Secondary four are on their way back from an exciting week, kayaking, surfing and enjoying...
Batxillerat 1 last exams
Molts ànims, alumnes!
Batxillerat 1 es troba en plena setmana d'exàmens de la 3a avaluaci...
Primary 1 Swimming Open Day
We would like to thank the Primary 1 parents who came to our Swimming Open Day! It was a g...
DELF A2 et B1
Le jour J est enfin arrivé pour nos apprenants francophones. Ils se sont présentés aujourd...
PAU 2024
We would like to congratulate our Batxillerat 2 students for their hard work during the th...
Infants School Camp
Infants enjoying Mas Llop! Infants School Camp 2023-2024
Winners of the 'CientifiksEnJoc' competition
We are delighted to announce that Primary 5 are the winners of the "CientifiksEnJoc” compe...
Finalistes al concurs de vídeos científics "Experimenta 2024"
Dos dels vídeos científics presentats per l'alumnat de Secondary 2 han estat finalistes al...
La magia de los libros
Los alumnos de Primary 2 han compartido la magia de los libros realizando una expresión or...
Finalista d'honor a 'AMICFiccions'
La Júlia de Secondary 4 ha estat finalista d'honor al concurs de relat breu en català "AMI...
Architectural exploration project
Congratulations to the Batxillerat 2 students for their amazing work on the Architectural...
10th Save the Children Race
The 10th Save the Children Race was held, and this time, the money raised will go towards...
Girona in Bloom
Secondary 1 visit to see ‘Girona in Bloom' while walking a literary route connected to the...
Mossos talk for parents
Thank you very much, Mossos d'Esquadra, for this interesting talk for parents and teachers...
First aid talk
Secondary 1 benefited from a useful talk on first aid given by Núria de Castro, a practisi...
Classificada a l'Olimpíada d'Economia
Felicitem a l'Íngrid de 2n de Batxillerat per haver-se classificat en 3a posició a la fase...
Alumni SGS experiences
Batxillerat 1 pupils and teachers had the pleasure of welcoming 4 ex-pupils who expertly p...
Robocat Grand final
A big congratulations to the SGS Robotics Club after an amazing year. After a successful r...
Grans resultats a les Cangur de Matemàtiques
Celebrem el Dia Internacional de la Dona Matemàtica i Dia Escolar de les Matemàtiques feli...
Batxillerat 1 experiences for Secondary 4
Batxillerat 1 students shared their own experiences of their first year in higher educatio...
Els millors equips de robòtica gironins
El Diari de Girona destaca la 1a posició assolida a la categoria júnior i a la sènior per...
1st place Robocat Girona
A big congratulations to all of the SGS robotics students for their great success. Seconda...
Joves i Ciència
L'Aitana de Secondary 4 ha estat seleccionada per participar al projecte "Explorant i apli...
Saint George's School is expanding
Saint George's School is expanding with the purchase of the old "Fornells Parc Hotel". We'...